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André Pittman '22 reflects on impact of Association scholarships

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Each year, the University of Louisiana at Lafayette Alumni Association awards scholarships to deserving students through its scholarship program. For decades, these scholarships have helped students excel at their studies by allowing them to focus on their dreams and passions while alleviating some of the financial stress that may come with funding education.

André Pittman ’22 experienced the impact of receiving one of these scholarships during his undergraduate journey as a Ragin’ Cajun.

Andre Pittman poses in front of the Alumni Center for grad photos.Pittman, a native of Mississippi, initially discovered the University from the comfort of his living room when he stumbled upon the Louisiana Ragin’ Cajuns football team playing in a televised bowl game. “I had never heard of the Ragin’ Cajuns, but I saw them playing in a bowl game and thought it was a pretty interesting school. I toured the campus shortly afterward and fell in love with the University and the city of Lafayette,” Pittman said.

Growing up, Pittman had a passion for sports, which led him to study sports management and administration as an undergraduate student. Like many, he balanced his schoolwork and extracurricular activities, all while working on the side to support himself and pay for his education. Pittman even began interning with Louisiana Ragin’ Cajuns Athletics to learn more about the inside of the industry he was so interested in. However, he knew if he wanted to truly excel, he needed to devote more time to his internship.

That’s when Pittman started looking for scholarship opportunities. “I was working a ton and didn’t have a lot of free time, so I started looking for scholarships that could help with my education,” he said. He discovered the Alumni Association’s scholarship application and decided to take a chance and apply.

When he learned he had received the scholarship, Pittman was speechless. “I was ecstatic! I was paying for college myself so it was a true blessing for me. I just felt so lucky,” Pittman said.

This scholarship not only helped with his education as he finished his undergraduate journey, but it kickstarted his career as well. Because he was able to spend more time at his internship, Pittman made valuable connections and discovered a new avenue in the sports world he wanted to pursue — finance. “If it weren’t for this scholarship, I wouldn’t have had the time to devote to my internship and learn from Duane Bailey, CFO of Louisiana Ragin’ Cajuns Athletics,” he said.

Bailey encouraged Pittman to explore getting his MBA from the University if he wanted to move into the financial space. Pittman took his advice and is currently working towards completing his master’s degree in 2025 from UL Lafayette while simultaneously working full-time in the Athletics department.

Without receiving the Alumni Association scholarship, Pittman knows that none of the success he’s experienced today would be possible. “That scholarship really jumpstarted my career to where I am now,” he added.

Pittman said he’s grateful for his experiences at UL Lafayette and hopes that one day, he’ll be able to return the favor to the next generation of Ragin’ Cajuns. “The University has given me so much. It’s so important to give back to your alma mater, and I hope I’m blessed one day to be able to help the next generation of students succeed.”


Photo Captions: Main: André Pittman with fellow Ragin' Cajuns Athletics marketing interns. (Submitted) In-Story: Pittman shows off his regalia in front of the Alumni Center for graduation photos. (Submitted)