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Alumni Spotlight: Jillian Blanchard '18 '21

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There isn’t a challenge that alumna Jillian Blanchard ’18 ’21 can’t face — including breaking into the construction industry. Blanchard is the senior marketing manager at Rudick Construction Group, a full-service commercial general contractor firm servicing Louisiana and Texas.

Whether she’s working on proposals or mapping out a site visit, Blanchard has immersed herself in the world of construction marketing and learned the importance of having her hard hat and safety vest ready for any adventure on the job. The best part is that she gets to work out of her hometown of Lafayette and right around the corner from her beloved alma mater.

Blanchard comes from a long line of Ragin’ Cajuns. “The University is deeply rooted in our family,” she said. So, when considering where she wanted to further her education after high school, the University of Louisiana at Lafayette was top of mind. After much discussion with her family, she decided to study business administration because she knew it would set her up for a career with versatility and longevity.

When she stepped foot on campus as a student, Blanchard hit the ground running! She became heavily involved with organizations like Phi Mu sorority and Ragin’ Cajun Catholics. Most importantly, she was extremely focused on her studies in the B.I. Moody III College of Business Administration, including exploring their internship program.

Through the college’s internship program, Blanchard landed a role with Opportunity Machine, an organization whose mission is to support and elevate early-stage technology, research-driven and innovative startups in the Acadiana area. As someone passionate about her community, she knew this internship would be perfect for her. “I always manifested for myself that no matter what I wanted to do, I wanted to be developing Lafayette somehow. I just knew how in love I was with Lafayette. I wanted to make it a better place,” she said.

That internship led to a full-time position after she finished her undergraduate degree, but Blanchard wasn’t done with her UL Lafayette journey quite yet. Her next step: pursuing her MBA to further her skills even more.

Jillian with her parents after finishing her undergraduate degree.

However, her life took a drastic turn when her father was unexpectedly diagnosed with lung cancer right as she was beginning her master’s degree. Blanchard decided to take time away from her education to be with her family. Unfortunately, Blanchard lost her father shortly after he was diagnosed with this horrible illness. He always believed in her and she was determined from that moment on to make the most out of every day, pursue her dreams fiercely and ultimately make her father proud.

Blanchard went on to finish her MBA, explore different career paths that eventually led her to Rudick Construction Group and dive into her true passion — supporting her community. She helped grow young professionals in Lafayette as president of the705. She expanded her leadership skills as a member of the prestigious Leadership Lafayette program. And now, she’s excited to be giving back to her alma mater as a member of the Alumni Council. “It’s important to give back to something that has given you so much! I really want to be a voice for young professionals and young alumni,” she said.

As her future continues to unfold, Blanchard is determined to keep tackling any challenge that comes her way with grace and tenacity. “I’ve done some really hard things over the past five years. So, when I’m faced with a new challenge that may be uncomfortable, I remind myself that I’ve done this before and I can do it again,” she said. No matter where her journey takes her, Blanchard will always strive to keep growing Lafayette and making her alma mater proud.


Photo Caption: Main Photo: Jillian Blanchard at a construction site with Rudick Contruction Group. (Submitted) In Story: Blanchard celebrates earning her undergraduate degree with her parents at commencement. (Submitted)