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CEO provides Alumni Association update

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Alumni Spotlight: Jillian Blanchard '18 '21

There isn’t a challenge that alumna Jillian Blanchard ’18 ’21 can’t face — including breaking into the construction

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Rose Hoffman Cormier named 2024 Alumni President’s Volunteer of the Year

Fifty years ago, in May 1974, Rose Hoffman Cormier graduated from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette with a bu

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Discover the Why: Marie DesOrmeaux Centanni assumes Association presidency

Dear alumni and friends,

Why are you loyal to your alma mater?

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To say the last five months have been busy is an understatement.

Since joining the Alumni team in October, I’ve embarked on a listening tour that gave me the distinct privilege of meeting so many people who are passionate about our University and their connections to it.

I committed to asking questions, hearing your thoughts and using the feedback to inform recommendations for sustaining and growing your Alumni Association. Thank you to everyone who took time to meet with me. As a result, the last few months have been jammed packed with great conversations that have inspired me.

I’ve shared your voices with the Alumni Council and the Executive Board, and together, we are poised to achieve new and exciting things! Over the next year, we will be sharing new ideas, reimagined opportunities and expanded programming with you. Much of this work is inspired by four pillars that connect alumni to:

  • the University and its academic mission and athletics teams;
  • the community;
  • each other; and
  • current and prospective students.

Headshot of Amy ArmstrongIn addition, we will be concentrating on bringing you even better experiences as alumni, including tailored engagement opportunities and through enhanced communication. All the work will be guided by a cohesive strategic plan that represents your collective alumni voice. 

And please know, my listening tour isn’t over. I welcome your feedback and ideas. Feel free to send me an email at to share your thoughts.

Things are coming together and there’s no better time to be a part of our Alumni family.

Geaux Cajuns! 

Photo Caption: (Main) The University of Louisiana at Lafayette Alumni Center (In Story) Headshot of Amy Armstrong, Alumni Association CEO and Associate Vice President of Alumni Engagement (Photo Credit: Doug Dugas / UL Lafayette)